Since prices increase constantly and unplanned expenses can occur at anytime, more and more people find themselves in need for a dedicated personal finance app. This kind of app helps keep track of daily expenses, plan a monthly budget, set maximum limits for specific duties (bills, car gas, shopping, etc.) and more. Value, a new app for iPhone, works in the exact same manner. It is meant to help customers to help keep track of their budget including daily, weekly and monthly expenses and set up a plan for their payments. This app works great for anyone who wishes to save money or simply keep better track of payments without the need for bills, receipts and so on. It is compatible with iPhone 5 and 5S.
* Create Unlimited Accounts from the Same App
Anyone who downloads this app can create as many accounts as desired, and these can be used for tracking the expenses of different family members. This feature is especially useful for those who live on a shared plan and need to save money.
* Full Payment History
Forget often on what money is being spent? With this app such thing won’t happen if you type the payments in the interface. It can hold up to several years of receipts, so physical documents will not be required anymore.
* Create and Manage Budgets for Day, Month or Year
If there is a need to create a set budget for a day, month or year, this can be easily done from the app. This app will help you keep track of how much you spent from it and how much you can still afford to spend. This is achieved through interactive graphs, which are instantly shown when the app Value is open.
Functionality and Design:
This app is extremely simple to use; even a child could learn the strings around it in only few minutes. Everything is intuitive and can be accessed or managed straight from the main screen. Value app surpasses similar apps and even Apple’s default calendar in terms of functionality.
Design is also very well layout, colorful and seems to “pop out” the screen. Setting a budget or keeping track of expenses is as simple as possible and can be done within a matter of touches.
This app is very easy to use, incorporating all functions in the menu screen as well as on several separated windows. With a single touch you can switch from one type of interface to another.
App Performance:
The app works smooth and errorless once it’s installed. It is compatible only with the newest iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S, but it has extremely low hardware demands. It can be left to run on the background without affecting device performance or draining battery.
All in all, Value is a very well-thought financing and expense tracking app designed for iPhone users. It eliminates the need for physical (paper) tracking of expenses, and it is a lot more easy to use than other similar apps.
Price: $1.99
Rating: 4.5/5
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